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The Town of Calera


Defendant's Responsibility:


As the defendant your responsibilities are:

Appear in court on your scheduled court date or:

Mail your fine and costs to the Calera Municipal Court on or before your court appearance date.

Every defendant is given a court appearance date and this date is on your citation right above your signature.


Methods of payment:


(An envelope has been given to you for your convenience)


Cash accepted in person or:


Cashier's check, money order or credit card (Visa, Mastercard, or Discover)

Credit card payment can be made over the phone.


Make Payment Payable to:     ***Calera Municipal Court***


The amount of your fines and costs are written on the front and back of your hard copy by the officer. If they fail to do this, you may call for the correct amount.


Failure to Remit:


Failure to pay fines and costs within the allowed time will result in the suspension of your driver's license in your home state.


Remit to:                   Calera Municipal Court                 Call   580-434-5420

                                       110 West Main                                  FAX  580-434-5498

                                       Calera, OK 74730                          


If you have received a citation for "Driver's license not in possession" you may show proof that you do indeed have a valid license and this citation will be dismissed by the court clerk without having to appear before the judge.


If you have received a citation for "Failure to comply with compulsory insurance law" and your insurance was valid at the time of receiving the citation, you may show proof of validation and your citation will be dismissed by the court clerk. You can fax your proof to Calera Municipal Court. You might want to call our office to make sure we received your fax and the citation was dismissed. If you get insurance after your received this citation, it will NOT be dismissed in this court.


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